Dolls Houses
Wide selections, mostly secondhand or antique, from handmade finely detailed for collectors to simple starter homes for 3-year olds.
Tudor House
4 rooms plus grand hall second hand
31in wide x 30in high x 15 1/2in deep
Original 1950s House
6 rooms, opens back & front with Kleeware furniture 27 1/2in wide x 23 1/2in high x 14in deepSimple wooden house
26in wide 24in high x 14in deep
Original 1930s House
8 rooms, opens front & back, brick papered, original wallpapers & lino
39in wide x 39in high x 32in deep(water stained front 4)
The Priory
DH Emporium, 9 rooms, grand stairs
40 1/2in wide x 40in high x 14in deep
Large Brickpainted House
6 rooms plus stairs, on fixed legs 13 1/2in. Built 1940s, looks antique
37 1/2in wide x 50in high x 17 in deep
Original antique cottage
4 rooms, back porch
30in wide x 29in high x 24 in deep
5 storey terraced house
5 rooms, decorated
17in wide x 48in high x 22 3/4in deep
Roman Baths
By Annie Willis, folds up to
14in x 14in x 4in
Antique house
4 rooms, original wallpapers, back opening
20in wide x 26in high x 20 1/2in deep
1947 German house
Built by prisoners of war in Hamburg while rebuilding docks. L-shaped, 6 rooms
48in wide x 34in high x 21in deep
L-shaped Handicraft house
6 rooms opening front & back, tatty brick paper, original interior, on base 20in high
36in wide x 31in x 28in deep + 13in base
Original antique House
8 rooms, original papers & fireplaces
58in wide x 26in high x 13.5in deep
Antique Victorian house
4 rooms, box back (roof may be added), repainted brickwork
24in wide x 33in high x 16in deep
Georgian mansion, built 1925
14 rooms, opens back & front, 3/4in scale doors. Turntable base 40in x 30in x 28in high, house 37in wide x 40in high x 30in deep
Dolls House built 1918
4 rooms, redecorated
23n wide x 20in high x 11in deep
Handmade brick-papered villa
6 rooms including attic
34in wide x 34in high x 23in deep
Chalet style house
3/4in scale, 6 rooms,interesting stairs, prob 1930s
25in wide x 27 1/2in high x 15 1/2in deep
Gee Bees House
With original furniture & retractable blinds
2414in wide x 17 1/4in high x 19 1/2in deep
Georgian Brick House
6 rooms, lift-off front, decorated, secondhand
36in wide x 35in high x 18 1/2in deep
Triang house for restoration
4 rooms + centre bathroom. Original flowers etc under newer paint
38in wide x 24in high x 17 1/2 in deep
Large 10 room project
10 rooms, opens back & front, partly detailed brick and tiles
40in wide x39in high x deep
Triang house
2 rooms
00in wide x 00in high x 00in deep
Edwardian double gable house
4 large rooms, lift off front, second hand
(same design with papered roof £120)
34in wide x 33in high x 19in deep
Pink House
6 rooms + attic, mass-produced
21in wide x 28in high x 10in deep
Terraced House (C.Cole)
6/9 rooms plus lift off attic
17 1/2in wide x 39in high x 19in deep
5 storey grey terraced house
5 rooms, decorated
23 1/4in wide x 51in high x 23 3/4 in deep
Lines Bros DH3
4 rooms, furnished, original wallpapers
30in wide x 31in high x 17 1/2in deep
Victorian single bay House
5 rooms incl attic & basement, lift off front 2nd hand
26in wide x 35in high x 29in deep
Original 1940s House
5 rooms & original furniture
24 1/2in wide x 29in high x 13in deep
SOLDHandmade 6-room house
6 rooms + attic, secondhand
30in wide x 36 1/2in high x 12 1/2in deep
SOLD S&T Cook Terraced House
6 rooms, decorated, second hand
27in wide x 31 1/2in high x 15n dee
SOLD S&T Cook Corner Shop
4 rooms + shop,’originally sold Cov Gdn
30in wide x 32 1/2in high x 15in dee

Another antique house
4 rooms, opens back & front 18 1/2in x 20 1/2in high x 19 1/2in deep
SOLDAntique brick house
Back opening, 4 rooms + outhouse/privy
25in wide x 26in high x 11in deep
Kendrew House
4 rooms, large hall with grand staircase, & attic,
46in wide x 30in high x 21 1/2in deep
Original 1930s The Edwardian
Hobby’s plan 792, 4 rooms, back opening, plain wood
26in wide x 27in high x 16in deep
Anglesey box shop
Plain wood
14in wide x 13in high x 10 1/2in deep